Tiger Mountain Tactical (TMT) is a team of current law enforcement officers who have the most comprehensive knowledge and experience in police bicycle team operations. Our tactical training specializes in advanced crowd management and control training for law enforcement officers as well as consulting services for law enforcement Commanders and Supervisors of bicycle units.

Customized Services
Basic Police Cyclist Course Training
NEW! Security Cyclist Basic Course - The reliance on private security firms has never been greater and is growing. Tiger Mountain Tactical is now providing Security Cyclist Basic Course. With the experience of over 30 years in Law Enforcement and training thousands of police officers, our lead instructor is bringing this experience to the private sector. Reduce liabilities and increase proficiencies with our training while reducing organizational risk.
Bicycle Demonstration Management: No other bicycle demonstration management program has been as thoroughly tested or used successfully as this one. No other demonstration management class is taught by individuals with the depth of experience from active officers that not only teach it but do it from TMT.
Consultation and review of your unit organization, training, and equipment selection.
Commanders' and Supervisors' demonstration management class: This is, by far, the most important class that we offer. The commanders' understanding of the dynamics of crowd management, capabilities of their officers, and ability to manage their resources in a manner that protects free speech, public trust, and public order can be a challenge.
For units that have an existing program that seeks to further develop their Officers and Supervisors, we now offer an Instructor Development course. This class will prepare your officers, supervisors, and team leaders to increase their understanding of how the tactics and crowd control concepts fully apply to successfully managed events. Should it be necessary, TMT can serve as an expert witness for your agency in both criminal prosecutions as well as civil cases.
Our Instructor Development course can be tailored to meet most agencies Covid related restrictions
Expert witness services related to police cyclist programs, police cyclist training, public order and police cyclists.
Customized classes to meet your departments' particular needs.
Package classes for officers and supervisors for savings.
All instruction is given by officers or supervisors (current and former) that are have actively served in bicycle units or commanding bicycle units and programs